Life Is A Comedy For Those Who Think...

Saturday, April 01, 2006 at 9:06 AM

March Madness....

Hey, where'd March go? It passed in a blur. Raina had surgery (tonsilectomy, adnoidectomy) and school has been all consuming. Any free time I've had to be on the pooter has been spent ARGing. It's a newly found hobby I really enjoy. I was recently asked to write a review for "Find Araya," one of the ARGs I was involved with. It was posted yesterday here. That was quite an honor. I was a little amazed they posted the whole thing. (By the way I know anonymous is spelled wrong, and it bugs the bejeebeez out of me.)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 11:19 PM

Frank Zappa's first television appearance:

Monday, January 30, 2006 at 10:55 PM


Bush Protest
Opryland Hotel, Nashville
Feb. 1, 10am - 12noon

The Bush-in-Nashville Protest will be held at the entrance to Opryland at the Intersection of McGavock and Music Valley Drive. You can read more here or here. I'm not sure I completely agree with all the ideas expressed on these sites, but answers
are needed. The People's voice needs to be heard.

The contact numbers:

Matt Leber - Nashville Peace and Justice Center 615-321-9066
Nini Thomas - Nashville Peace Coalition 615-579-9956

It would be inspiring to see everyone grab a sign and write a question for the president. Hundreds of questions concerning this administration's decisions and/or practices would concretely confront him. I say write them, paint them, make buttons, make t-shirts... just make him answer.

Eh, I only wish I had a minute to make a sign. I've been so busy lately. School is kicking my astronaut four nights a week on top of my already full life. Blogger's not been very dependable lately, either. It seems when I get a minute to write something unrelated to school, the service is down. C'est la Vie. I'm happy. I'm diggin' on some new tea, feeling energetic, and still having some quality time every afternoon or evening with Jed and "The rainBow". It's a great day to be alive (and practice the right of peaceful assemblage).

Blessings Abound!

Monday, January 16, 2006 at 11:31 AM

Bad-Ass Appalachian Woman..

I have been invited to contribute to the fascinating array of opinions at Appalachian Greens. I think the phrase used to entice me was "it would mean a lot to us to hear some more opinions from some bad-ass appalachian women." Far be it from me to deprive the world of more bad-ass appalachian women's observations.

Peruse the blog, you'll see an eccletic mix of conviction and experience. Not all the writers share the same philosophies, but they do agree on a common theme:
Appalachian pride is not limited to zealots, bigots, and right-wingers. This is a beautiful thing. More unity is needed in this crazy mixed-up planet. Let us celebrate our differences while working for a common goal...A better world.

Another mini-miracle brought to you through the Great Oracle .

Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 7:16 PM

Freaks Find Each Other...(Another Jedism Comes to Fruition)...

I received a great email recently from "Naked Guy." He found a naked picture of himself on my blog. I'm not sure how he found this picture, all I can guess is in this small universe we both inhabit it was important we cross paths. "Naked Guy" sells organic fruit while in attendance at Bonnaroo. If he attends this year, look for him flying a kite whilst yelling, "Organic Mangoes!"

And "Naked Guy," what exactly is that smell you are referring to?

Friday, January 13, 2006 at 5:17 PM

Frank Zappa Friday.....

Florentine Pogen

Friday, January 06, 2006 at 6:22 AM

Frank Zappa Friday....

Double Feature!

City of Tiny Lights (as promised) and Zappa interview on Letterman.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 at 1:15 AM


Real sign, or Bulls-hit?

Friday, December 30, 2005 at 11:04 AM

Frank Zappa Friday....

I love Frank's old SNL performances. This is a great version of "I Am The Slime." I've got more in the weeks to come, including the original claymation "City of Tiny Lights" video.

Here's hoping everyone's New Year is filled with good cheer and good health.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 11:38 PM

Old Friends Forever Young......

There's nothing more beautiful than old friends...

Friday, December 23, 2005 at 1:50 AM

Frank Zappa Friday...

Time for Frank again already? I'm not getting as much time to blog as I thought I would.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 10:13 AM

Faith, Love, and Tolerance....

The Intelligent Design issue has been making it's way throughout the media and the blogging world. I suppose since I have a little time today I'll add my two cents.. I commented to The Editor at The Tennessee Waltz about the issue from an educator's standpoint: Mountain Girl said...

As a public school flunky, I find it odd I haven't seen many articles dealing with the feelings of those who have to teach ID. The resounding sentiment I'm hearing among my colleagues is they don't feel comfortable teaching religious ideology to a group of students. Teachers tend to like their science, well...scientific.

I don't want a teacher teaching his/her brand of ID to my daughter, either. My faith is mine to teach my child my way.

If science is the recipe for life, then I'm not qualified to discern who's stirring the pot for any family other than my own.

Aside from the moral dilemma, I find it ludicrous to argue, "Students should be exposed to this theory" as if they are not already. Public school curriculum's across the country (including Tennessee) teach the religious practices of every culture studied in HISTORY class. How are students not being exposed to the idea of Intelligent Design? I think atheists would have a more logical argument to take religious studies out of history class so as not to expose their children to any "ideas."

I am a Christian. This is suprising to many of my non-christian friends. This doesn't mean I am naive to the intellectual arguments or the flaws many battle with in my faith. I don't go to church, because I have yet to find a church that accepts and teaches my "brand" of Christianity. For example, I believe Mary Magdalene was a disciple and Darwin has it right. (That's just two of many of my 40 inch Christian belief's that do not fit into the 30 inch waist of the Bible Belt.)

As I said to The Editor, I don't want someone impressing their religious ideology on my child, nor do I feel it is my responsibility to teach a child from another family my faith. I realize individual Christian faith is not the crux of ID, but when discussing God in the classroom children have NUMEROUS questions. These questions are asked to teachers who, in this area, are predominantly Christian. When I am asked these questions during History class, I respond with, "I can't answer that for you, but you can write it down and ask your family when you get home." I feel comfortable with that phrase. It's a phrase I hope my daughter's teachers use when she has a question about specific Christian faith HISTORY class.

I am hurt by the ID issue making all Christians look like intolerant fanatics. I am angry how the Fundamentalist Christians and Evangelicals think it is their right to speak for all Christians and try to impose their beliefs on all who must attend public school. The Christians with whom I am closest to do NOT think ID should be taught in Science class. But most of all,
I am very disappointed to see how this issue has shown so many to be intolerant of Christians and Christianity while they preach tolerance, love, and acceptance of every other faith. I ask them to please remember, not all Christians subscribe to the same fanatical ways of the ones who are pressing this issue. If one purports to be open-minded and accepting to people of all religions, shouldn't this include Christians?

Friday, December 16, 2005 at 9:44 PM

Frank Zappa Friday....

I have been so busy lately, I have not been able to give the proper attention to my blog. This week I had 3 finals,a paper due,d Raina's choral performance, a wedding rehearsal dinner and tomorrow the wedding. I am also on the student incentive committe where I teach. We put on a big dance at the end of the semester for the kids who have not gotten a write up the whole semester. I emceed this event and performed four songs today. I am tired....Tomorrow is the wedding and after that I have two blissful weeks of no work or school to recuperate and hopefully attend more to my blog. Yay!!!!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 at 11:59 AM

We Three Kings Wednesday.....

Barenaked Ladies God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman/We Three Kings Lyrics

Thursday, December 01, 2005 at 11:19 PM

Frank Zappa Friday....