Tuesday, August 02, 2005 at 11:20 AM
Explication: A Recipe For Creation....
Luckily, I've finished my poetry explication due today. These papers are killing me. I love to write. I don't like to be edited by a seventeen year old "peer". The last paper edited by this person came back to me with comma splices to beat the band. I know I'm not a grammar guru, but I do know how to write a sentence. I've been out of school for seven years. I've forgotten more than I learned my two years in college during that time. It's hard for me to write these Comp II papers. I like writing satire, commentary, and opinion. These papers have to be so dry to get the grade. Oh well, only 4 more classes and I'll have knocked it out.
I was reading today the Bush thinks we should teach intelligent design alongside evolution. My uncle, a professor of Biology and Botony at Carson Newman College, said it best,"Evolution is divine. Just because science found a recipe for man's creation doesn't mean God wasn't the one stirring
the pot." If we sanction teachers to teach divine creation, we open a can of worms for their ideaologys to confuse our children. I believe in prayer in school...as long as it's silent. I believe in telling the children, "I believe God's hand stirs the pot." That should be enough. Here's my answer to the Darwin emblems and the Jesus emblems. I'm working now to have it available as a sticker here on my site. I've never seen one like it. I tried to Google it but I didn't get a hit. Let's hope it's an original idea.
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