Life Is A Comedy For Those Who Think...

Friday, November 25, 2005 at 12:42 PM

New Link...

Check this out Advice Girlys

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 4:11 PM

Triska Rebirth Via The Wickerwoman's Womb...

My annual Wickerman festival was wonderful. The fellowship was a beautiful experience. The ladies built the "Wickerman" this year, so it turned out to be a "WickerWoman" with a womb. This is a picture of me in the womb itself pre-burning.

I did however have a strange encounter. I was standing near the fire and heard someone call, "Mountain Girl, Former Scribe of the Triskabiblios." I turned to see a tall figure of a man sitting on an odd looking bicycle and holding a piece of parchment. He seemed etheral: there and not there at the same time. "Triscal?" I questioned. "I haven't much time," he announced " but I am still in need of your help. This parchment is for you. Do with it what you must. Make sure others have the ability to read it. Myth's are only myth's if you stop believing" he cryptically announced. I heard a log crack loudly in the fire. I turned to look at it and make sure no one was burned. When I turned back, Ix was gone.

Here is the strangest part: I'm not sure, how I ended up there last night, though. It wasn't supposed to happen until tonight. It is the 15th, right? Did I blink? I called the hosts of the get together and they swear tonight is the night. Here's the thing, how do I have pictures of an event happening this evening before the event has occured? Needless to say there are more intrigued people checking out Triska now who thought I was just yanking their chain. I have been feeling strange today as well as last night. My spelling has been poor as has my lack of comprehension of the written word. It's quite strange, almost like my mind doesn't know how to communicate properly. I am starting to feel more like my old self, but I still feel quite sleepy.