Islington requested my aide, as a scribe, through the following email:
Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:37:11 +0100
From: "Islington"
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Subject: Thank you for your efforts
Dearest Girl of the Mountains
Your consitent striving to solve this cryptic bundle has been a joy to behold. May I take this oppurtunity to thank you profoundly. I would also like to apologise for the recent explosion of mis-tensed crryptographicly confused literature, but when I am passing through I have to act as quickly as possible, and sometimes it is not possible to double check the meaning. I am grateful to you and your friends for being so diligent, and am impressed that the literary references are not lost on you all. This gives me Hope.
Now that the moon is waning, my blinking will slow. I am now simply drifting... exhausted from the strain. I found myself in all places, all times. Very hard to
This said, would you do me the honour of accepting a Scribeship? Your efforts have been noted. I feel that to ask before the fact, in this occasion, would be most decent, though it is not always possible for me to be so considerate. Now that my state of flux is less rapid I am able to remember the differences between what has been promised to me in your Future and what you have already agreed to. So the offer stands.
Triskabiblios | the13books
It was followed with this binary code puzzle (Titled: A Puzzle