Life Is A Comedy For Those Who Think...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 at 12:53 AM

My Evolving Monkey Face....

I was getting frustrated..We were in a church sanctuary with 2,200 people, sitting in the choir section directly behind the main speaker.Television cameras from every local news crew were pointing in our general direction, and we were getting a much needed but super condensed version of Red Cross training. A solemn energy was hanging around every aura and my daughter is rummaging in my purse, chewing buble-gum (loudly), and tugging at my shirt incessantly. "Mommy, look at what I drew." I took the papers and looked the creative monkey characters my daughter often draws." "They're great, Rainbow." "No really look. Look at each one." In an effort to cease the tugging and rummaging, I took the papers and began to scan them again. She had made 17 different personalities with names like "Working Will" "Goofy Gisela" "Preppy Peggy" and "Bully Bill". They were great, but I was still put off she wasn't listening. I said they were really creative and I'd love to talk about them later. Then I turned them over in my lap to show my insistence she listen. I noticed, written on the back, were notes from the lessons we'd be receiving...My heart smiled wide. She is an ever-evolving beautiful creature I am pleased to know.

There are many lessons to draw from Raina's attitude tonight. All of them are positive and they are not lost on me. I am, at the moment, happy to revel only in my daughter's growing conscience.

Blogger red molly said...

Lovely post. Beautiful daughter indeed.  


Blogger Tennessee Jed said...

It is a true honor to help raise this child.

She has the sweetest soul and a creative way of viewing things! She takes after her step-dad.  


Blogger greatwhitebear said...

Seems like there is a lot of sweet soul and creativity in your household! What a lovely young lady.  


Blogger Mountain Girl said...

Thank you all for the kind observations.  


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